honorable mention
Étienne Gagné canadaPhoto © Étienne Gagné
Manhattan Bridge
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entry description
Beautiful picture of the Manhattan Bridge. While the angle and framing is really classic, the feel of the image, with his beautiful highlighted areas and detailed shadows really gives this image a unique feel.about the photographer
Étienne Gagné (Photorizon) is a young photographer raised by a family with a great talent for photography that he inherited from his father and uncle. His favorite subjects are landscape and architecture while he also enjoys taking portraits of women. His technique for taking pictures is to simply walk outside, point and shoot. The choice of the angles and framing is instinctive. His formation in a renowned photography school gave him self-confidence and a better understanding of his tools. The post-production treatment is surreal on the color pictures and very constrasted in the black and whites. Étienne often uses HDR to produce his pictures, but he seldomly uses Photoshop, prefering to keep his subjects as they are. His creativity is used when developping in Lightroom, giving his pictures an artistic and personnal touch.His influences range from the classic masters like Edward Burtynsky and Ansel Adams to contemporary photoshop wizards like Benjamin Von Wong and Renee Robyn.back to gallery