honorable mention
Edita Bízová czech republic
Photo © Edita Bízová
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entry description
I was feeling lost. My energy was drained from me for weeks of working on a project that made everyone happy but me. I felt I cannot breathe any more. I was overworked and everyone was expecting from me more, than I could deliver. I pitty myself and felt like a disapointment. I was drowning in it and I wanted out. And then it hit me. I can let go and be my own person. I can take the reins of my life back and live a little. It is my decision if I want to be drained or if I will do something about it. And I didn´t want to run away any more. I took a breath. A leap of faith. Because I believe in better tomorrow.about the photographer
Professional portrait and fine art photographer based in Czech Republic but often vondering abroad. Expressing own feelings and experiences with photographs and photo manipulation. Loves shooting portraits, fashion, beauty and fine art.back to gallery