honorable mention
Szergej Afanaszjev austria
Our life is changing rapidly .. Gasoline machines, electric cars, computers, etc. .. Man becomes a part of a soulless machine that takes a part of his life .. And every year the part belongs to the machine more and more. Therefore, I made the composition "motherhood", which shows us how everything is simple in the world and how little we need for real happiness.
About the photo "Pupation":
People with their way of life (excessive nutrition, sedentary lifestyle) reached the point of no return. But now it's time to think. So will appear a beautiful butterfly from an ugly caterpillar. Not everything is lost yet.
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About the photo "Motherhood:Our life is changing rapidly .. Gasoline machines, electric cars, computers, etc. .. Man becomes a part of a soulless machine that takes a part of his life .. And every year the part belongs to the machine more and more. Therefore, I made the composition "motherhood", which shows us how everything is simple in the world and how little we need for real happiness.
About the photo "Pupation":
People with their way of life (excessive nutrition, sedentary lifestyle) reached the point of no return. But now it's time to think. So will appear a beautiful butterfly from an ugly caterpillar. Not everything is lost yet.
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