2nd place
silver star award
Melissa Robertson
united states Photo © Melissa Robertson
Final Battle Snowflake
This is my favorite snowflake photograph that I have captured out of the thousands. Snowflakes are amazing and full of surprises and intricate designs, but my heart always goes back to this particular snowflake battle. A fight to the very end, just as we fight to the very end of every day. We fight in our souls to win battles every day in this world and to celebrate each win, big and small. When we look closely at nature, we see that it too fights battles to give us beauty and admiration to the very end of its moment.
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entry description
Captured on March 4, 2019, at 1:00 p.m. in Larkspur, CO. I specialize in snowflake photography. On a beautiful day of flurries, these two snowflakes fell together intertwined by what looks like jagged swords engaging in a battle to the final melt. The larger snowflake reflected more sunlight making it look like a king was standing at the top celebrating victory and crowns at each point.This is my favorite snowflake photograph that I have captured out of the thousands. Snowflakes are amazing and full of surprises and intricate designs, but my heart always goes back to this particular snowflake battle. A fight to the very end, just as we fight to the very end of every day. We fight in our souls to win battles every day in this world and to celebrate each win, big and small. When we look closely at nature, we see that it too fights battles to give us beauty and admiration to the very end of its moment.
about the photographer
I have enjoyed taking pictures all my life. In 2018, I captured a snowflake that looked like a flower. The snowflakes inspired me to pursue macro photography. I have spent a lot of time, night and day, capturing the beauty and tiny details of the smallest flakes that land within my yard, trees, deck, and space around. My desire is to share the beauty of this piece of nature with the world. My photographs have become illustrations in my new book series, Washed as White as Snow, released in 2019. I still enjoy all photography because I can remember passing moments for years to come.back to gallery