honorable mention
Riechardt Sibille germany
The ground acts as a canvas on which everyone and everything leaves traces: People, animals, plants, weather, time. It becomes a unifying element that is a reflection of the human relationship with nature, but also of nature's relationship with humans. Despite the Anthropocene, the formative, expansive power of nature is still present.
In the periphery of the retina there are other sensory cells, responsible for twilight and black and white vision and therefore very sensitive to structures and contrasts. From this angle, I collect visual impressions that point beyond the reference to objects.
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I walk through Berlin's streets and I am fascinated by the liveliness of the ground. New traces appear every day. The trees throw off what they no longer need, they bulge up the asphalt, insects dig holes, rain washes down pollen, spirals move on the puddles. Even in a big city, nature shows its anarchic side, exuberant, uncontrollable, full of growth and decay.The ground acts as a canvas on which everyone and everything leaves traces: People, animals, plants, weather, time. It becomes a unifying element that is a reflection of the human relationship with nature, but also of nature's relationship with humans. Despite the Anthropocene, the formative, expansive power of nature is still present.
In the periphery of the retina there are other sensory cells, responsible for twilight and black and white vision and therefore very sensitive to structures and contrasts. From this angle, I collect visual impressions that point beyond the reference to objects.
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