honorable mention
Rolandas Urbonavicius germany
Photo © Rolandas Urbonavicius
Morning Mist. The Birds
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about the photographer
Photography is one of biggest passions of my life. The photographic process allows me to use my imagination and transform my feelings, moods and ideas into something palpable. With my work, I try to reveal the mystical world of nature, often invisible to the naked human eye. I am particularly fond of capturing images of nature using the long-exposure method. I apply a variety of photography filters to create such images. Due to the various filters used, capturing an image can take a few seconds or a dozen minutes. I simply adore the slow shutter speed, literally “slow” photography, which adds a mystical, often surreal and special flavour to the images of nature. My photos often look mysterious, sometimes strange or unusual. I think this type of photography attracts viewers, allowing them to slow down, dream and contemplate the processes taking place in nature. Photography to me is not only hundreds of hours spent in nature looking for attractive, eye-catching imagery, illuminated by the perfect light. It’s also the fascinating process of photo post-production and printing, completed with meticulousness and joy. Every step of the process – from capturing an image to the final print – I do myself with the utmost dedication to ensure the best print quality and longevity.back to gallery