honorable mention
Steffen Reichardt germany
Photo © Steffen Reichardt
"Black Pump" power station
He experiences the fascinating world of photography again and again when traveling, as well as on trekking and mountain bike tours lasting several days. The camera is his companion on these journeys.
His favorite stylistic devices such as long exposure and creative image editing are expressed in his photographs.
The photographic range includes landscape, architectural and digital art photography, with the viewer easily noticing his minimalist image compositions.
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entry description
Black Pump power station is a modern brown coal power station in the Black Pump (Schwarze Pumpe) district in Spremberg, Germany. The cooling towers are 161 metres (528 ft) high and have an observation deck on top. With CO2 emissions of 11.8 million tonnes, the power plant caused the eighth highest greenhouse gas emissions of all European power plants in 2021.about the photographer
Steffen Reichardt was born in Magdeburg in 1976 and moved to Cottbus in April 2017.He experiences the fascinating world of photography again and again when traveling, as well as on trekking and mountain bike tours lasting several days. The camera is his companion on these journeys.
His favorite stylistic devices such as long exposure and creative image editing are expressed in his photographs.
The photographic range includes landscape, architectural and digital art photography, with the viewer easily noticing his minimalist image compositions.
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