honorable mention
Charles Chao Wang china
Allow To Be
This project draws inspiration from these sociocultural constraints, endeavoring to construct a utopian realm within the artwork. In this imagined space, societal judgments and constraints are absent, allowing women to manifest their resilience and strength unencumbered. Through these works, artist aims to critically engage viewers with the ongoing discourse on the status and roles of women in modern society. The artist seeks to cultivate a deeper understanding and stimulate meaningful dialogue on gender equality, thereby challenging the traditional narratives that continue to limit women's potential in contemporary China.
Embodying the essence of Zen philosophy, Charles's work blends elements of nature with social issues by capturing the serenity and harmony found in nature through his lens. This fusion not only resembles Zen meditation in form, but also presents a profound dialogue in thought, emphasising the close connection between man and nature.
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entry description
In contemporary Chinese society, entrenched perceptions of women significantly impede their pursuit of independence and autonomous thought, often relegating women to subordinate roles. Echoing Michel Foucault's concept of "panopticism," contemporary Chinese society functions as a modern surveillance apparatus, wherein a hierarchical power structure dictates the attributes, rights, and experiences deemed appropriate for women. This pervasive system underscores the enduring lack of genuine gender equality.This project draws inspiration from these sociocultural constraints, endeavoring to construct a utopian realm within the artwork. In this imagined space, societal judgments and constraints are absent, allowing women to manifest their resilience and strength unencumbered. Through these works, artist aims to critically engage viewers with the ongoing discourse on the status and roles of women in modern society. The artist seeks to cultivate a deeper understanding and stimulate meaningful dialogue on gender equality, thereby challenging the traditional narratives that continue to limit women's potential in contemporary China.
about the photographer
Charles Chao Wang is a London-based photographer as well as an artist, graduated from the University of the Arts London. His work draws from his own experiences and memories, and is influenced by a variety of fields including sociology, philosophy and psychology, in which concerns about social inequality and abuse of power can be seen. He offers a powerful social commentary, as well as an opportunity for spiritual healing, enabling the viewer and the artist himself to reflect on and respond to societal challenges.Embodying the essence of Zen philosophy, Charles's work blends elements of nature with social issues by capturing the serenity and harmony found in nature through his lens. This fusion not only resembles Zen meditation in form, but also presents a profound dialogue in thought, emphasising the close connection between man and nature.
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