honorable mention
Black and white images are my preferred creative choice. Its timeless approach for wildlife is clean and powerful, diminishing visual distractions, and personally, enhances the light and details to their purest form. Whilst emotions and the subtlest nuances of details are spoken without a word.
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entry description
A singular morning where the rhinos casually mingled about, and spent the majority of their time heads down and munching. In their focus to follow the best grass, and with very poor eyesight, several moved closer, and closer, till some quiet throat clearing alerted this one to our presence. With our staying still and quiet, they scented a new source of food and simply sauntered away.about the photographer
I am blessed to find myself at an inflection point in life where immersion into wildlife photography can be fully embraced, to speak to the awareness of species endangerment, and, to support conservation and ground level programmes.Black and white images are my preferred creative choice. Its timeless approach for wildlife is clean and powerful, diminishing visual distractions, and personally, enhances the light and details to their purest form. Whilst emotions and the subtlest nuances of details are spoken without a word.
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