3rd place
bronze star award
Sandrine BUTOT
Hidden bodies
Ultimately, we do not know if the bodies are hidden or revealed, and the final sensation depends on the viewer. I never say what I had in mind when I took the photo.
Is it pleasant or disturbing? What do we want to see? What do we imagine of this person?
My world : lights - contrasts - colors
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entry description
I play with shapes and colors to camouflage bodies and their contours. Each image is thought of several variations before choosing one.Ultimately, we do not know if the bodies are hidden or revealed, and the final sensation depends on the viewer. I never say what I had in mind when I took the photo.
Is it pleasant or disturbing? What do we want to see? What do we imagine of this person?
about the photographer
Lights and colors are the tools with which I paint my canvas and offer unique portraits to each of my models. I try to tell a story with their face, their body and their personality. I always explore new things to progress and evolve in my work.My world : lights - contrasts - colors
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