3rd place
bronze star award
Ola Nguyen Van
The Little Princess
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entry description
I was ten when my youngest sister, Julia, was born. She became the main inspiration for me to create this series and she appeared as the Little Princess in it. Today she is going through 10th year of her life, and I, during last decade, had a possibility of watching how young girls, representatives of generation Z, grow up. What I find most entrancing in them, is their disarming carelessness, freedom of expression and untrammelled, innocent craziness. Today’s princesses are being cut loose from yoke of ideality, their value stops being measured in sweetness degrees and creativity becomes more worthwhile than excellent repeating formulaic schemes. Perfection is boring. Let’s fun.about the photographer
Ola Nguyen Van - 21-year-old beginning photographer, born in Jasło, temporary based in Łódź, where she studies the photography faculty at The Leon Schiller National Film, Televison and Theatre School. She is curious about the world, incessantly looking for strangeness and surprise. What she finds most interesting is that, what teases, arouses dissonance, leaves us hungry for more. Open to experiments, she is still searching for new ways and solutions.back to gallery