1st place
gold star award
Jivi Nancheva Juliana Nan
Beyond Mind and Heart...
............ I’m a photographer enthusiast from Bulgaria. It has been seven years now since I’ve first started taking photos. I didn’t have any serious background in photography. I had a dream… I had visions of a world beyond words, colors, light, and shapes…a world of a different dimension, which I had no way to express. The only perfect creator is God, and we can only strive to achieve it. I felt an endless longing to touch His perfection by taking photos. This is the most tender way I can express my Love to the Creator of Everything visible and invisible…,like unspoken words… ....................... .......................
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about the photographer
All water drops and the droplet reflections in all of my images are real not fake...They have never been added in Photoshop....................... I’m a photographer enthusiast from Bulgaria. It has been seven years now since I’ve first started taking photos. I didn’t have any serious background in photography. I had a dream… I had visions of a world beyond words, colors, light, and shapes…a world of a different dimension, which I had no way to express. The only perfect creator is God, and we can only strive to achieve it. I felt an endless longing to touch His perfection by taking photos. This is the most tender way I can express my Love to the Creator of Everything visible and invisible…,like unspoken words… ....................... .......................
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