2nd place
silver star award
Jordan Gale
united states
Disorderly House
The root of these basement shows is a pure act of artistic expression. Some bands that perform in Iowa City come from as far away as the state of Washington. Some touring bands perform just for gas money or a tattered couch to sleep on while they make a stop on their Midwest tour. Many of these house owners and musicians, for the most part, don’t even want to be seen by the greater outside public. If discovered by authorities, the house owners face charges, eviction, and one fewer home venue to showcase local and visiting talent.
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entry description
This project, “Disorderly House,” is a body of work exploring the small but vibrant underground punk and house-show scene that takes place in Iowa City homes on any given night of the week. From a quick outside perspective, these basement shows seem like a typical house party in a college town on a weekend night. The University of Iowa, once named the No. 1 party school in the nation by the Princeton Review, is no stranger to young adults indulging in excessive drug and alcohol use in greasy basements. This is something else, though; the reality is much different.The root of these basement shows is a pure act of artistic expression. Some bands that perform in Iowa City come from as far away as the state of Washington. Some touring bands perform just for gas money or a tattered couch to sleep on while they make a stop on their Midwest tour. Many of these house owners and musicians, for the most part, don’t even want to be seen by the greater outside public. If discovered by authorities, the house owners face charges, eviction, and one fewer home venue to showcase local and visiting talent.
about the photographer
My name is Jordan Gale. I am a undergraduate photography student at the University of Iowa. I have been studying photography and taking photographs in the attempt of documenting my life, and those around me for seven years now. With my photographs I aim to explore concepts related to decay,and survival and how people, places, and time react to these concepts. I am obsessed with the idea of America's middle class. Through my photographs and with these concepts in mind I tell the stories of a middle class that is slowly dying in a country that stresses their importance.back to gallery