2nd place
silver star award
Simone Francescangeli
Bolivia. Mineritos.
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Recently, the Government of Bolivia has intervened with the 548 law about "ninos y ninas y adolescentes Trabajadores" in order to protect and regulate in some way these situations. Approved in July 2014, the rule seeks to balance the constraints stemming from international conventions relating to child labor and the need for subsistence inherited from the country's poverty. This law sets the minimum age of child laborers in 14 years and defines what are the prohibited activities for teens . Here a young miner in the depth of the earth... men, children, boys...grains of sand in the bowels of Cerro Rico. When They are not in the school, they help their father in the mine. In this way They can earn some money to pay their studies and help his family... Sleeping few hours a day. Their task is to divide the "good" mineral from the poor. Each one have is own dream lasting too early. Due to the great amount of grain asumption their perspective of life is 40 years of age.about the photographer
Self-taught photographer. I come from the Italian province. I picked up the camera with the intention of being able to use it and find my way to express myself in 2010. I want to see and tell the life of the man closely, especially the ordinary ones, related to the need to be able to live day per day. Until now I brought my camera traveling in Italy, in Europe, South America and Africa.back to gallery