honorable mention
Emily Casey united statesPhoto © Emily Casey
The Life
Today, there are over 30 million slaves worldwide 60,000 of which exist within the United States; the overwhelming majority of these modern slaves are young girls who have fallen victim to human tracking and consequently are forced into the sex trade. On top of this 50% of these victims are children, with the average entrance age into the sex trade being 12-14 years old. Unfortunately, due to society's perception of the nature of slavery, this is an issue many people fail to realize even exist so by creating this photograph I hope to create exposure and discussion for this grossly underrepresented epidemic.
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entry description
I created this photo to spread awareness and create commentary on human trafficking, specifically sex trafficking in the United States. When we think of slavey, we think of an antiquated practice existing only in societies past, and though there may no longer be african slaves manning southern plantations or serving the wealthy in ancient Rome, modern society is still rife with slavery.Today, there are over 30 million slaves worldwide 60,000 of which exist within the United States; the overwhelming majority of these modern slaves are young girls who have fallen victim to human tracking and consequently are forced into the sex trade. On top of this 50% of these victims are children, with the average entrance age into the sex trade being 12-14 years old. Unfortunately, due to society's perception of the nature of slavery, this is an issue many people fail to realize even exist so by creating this photograph I hope to create exposure and discussion for this grossly underrepresented epidemic.
about the photographer
Hello! My name is Emily Casey and I am a 16 year old student photographer from North Richland Hills Texas. One year ago I signed up for a photography elective at my high school and since then I have been unable to put my camera down. For me, photography is not only a source of artistic expression, but also one of empowerment and I hope to relay that through the photos I create.back to gallery