1st place
gold star award
Leoni Marie Hübner
To me playing with the colours, graphic forms, space and perspectives was the most crucial part during the process of my work. As a result, human body and digital surface seem strikingly contrasted although, at the end, all we see remains surface.
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entry description
2016/17, Kiel, excerpt of my Bachelor project (originally "en surface").To me playing with the colours, graphic forms, space and perspectives was the most crucial part during the process of my work. As a result, human body and digital surface seem strikingly contrasted although, at the end, all we see remains surface.
about the photographer
Former musician and musicology student, now in visual communications with focus on photography. BA degree in february 2017 at Muthesius University of Fine Arts and Design Kiel, continuing with MA studies at the same school.back to gallery