honorable mention
Taida Tarabula Przemek Wierzchowski poland
Polish Couple
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One year of ultra-right Kaczynski’s party regime was enough to open Polish Pandora’s box, to awake mentality of former serfs, all the fears, nationalistic ideas, hates towards European style of life. Here you are: belief in infallibility, fulsome, conceited affection for traditions and religious symbols convoluted tightly with alcoholic daily life under the ubiquitous crucifix, trashy colours, like those in old photographs from vacations spent in DDR... This is just a caricature. The pictures were post-processed intentionally in a showy, gimcrack manner just to show the coarse and boorish nature of major part of the Polish society.about the photographer
I am a Warsaw-based photographer. I am a member of Polish Association of Artist Photographers (ZPAF). I cooperate with FORUM Polish Photography Agency and publish my pictures in many press titles, as well as in albums and books. I have been an academic teacher for almost 30 years. In 2008 I started my own business that focuses on photo-educational work and foto-psy.pl dealing with pet's photography.
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