1st place
gold star award
Marco Ponzianelli
Your gypsy is a person
People who are usually at the centre of racial debates.
People who live in a condition of extreme marginalisation, in a social system incapable of integrate them. A very high percentage of kids don't go to school, preventing themselves from any possible change for their future.
Their children play like ours. Their mothers love their children like ours. Their faces can make us afraid, but their guys make life projects like ours.
They have looks and curiosity that we know.
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We know them. They are the gypsies. They are stealing the wallet on the metro. They ask us for alms on the street. We use them for our shady deals, as in "capital mafia" but we are victims of their presence.People who are usually at the centre of racial debates.
People who live in a condition of extreme marginalisation, in a social system incapable of integrate them. A very high percentage of kids don't go to school, preventing themselves from any possible change for their future.
Their children play like ours. Their mothers love their children like ours. Their faces can make us afraid, but their guys make life projects like ours.
They have looks and curiosity that we know.
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