honorable mention
Paolo Aldi italy
Bellum in Latin means War and is the title of this work of mine composed of ten plates.
The woman in the photographs is an allegory of humanity with all its violence and desire for self-destruction. The twelve photographs contained in each work are sometimes a tale of wickedness and cruelty, sometimes of despair, other times the attempt to recompose and reborn mankind. Unfortunately, war is not only in the world; it is also in each of us who are prey to modern myths, and to the anxieties and frustrations produced by them.
The works are titled with distant and mythological names, tales of ancient civilizations. Stories that make us reflect even today because nothing or too little seems to have changed in the deep nature of man.
I am aware that this work is pervaded by a deep and pressing sense of pessimism, a vision of a possible end to humanity in the near future. However, there are a few plates that give glimpses of signs that can feed the feeble hope of a new humanism, which I believe may be the only lifeline for a humanity unprepared for the possession of weapons of mass destruction and killer robots available to it today.
Technique: Encaustic photography on the wood. Both boards are of poplar wood size 90x90x3 cm.
Cerco di fare opere cariche di significati, che possano invitare a sviluppare pensiero. Credo in una fotografia con una grande componente etica. Sono pervaso da un notevole pessimismo sulle prospettive future dell'umanità ma spero in un nuovo umanesimo capace di pacificare l'uomo con gli altri uomini, con sé stesso e con la natura.
Per la ripresa utilizzo attrezzature digitali e analogiche di volta in volta utili al raggiungimento del risultato finale che mi prefiggo. Lavoro con macchine a foro stenopeico e pratico la fotografia camera-less. Sono un esperto di Camera Obscura (camera ottica).
Per la stampa delle fotografie utilizzo svariati sistemi. Negli ultimi anni pratico la stampa fotografica su legno con un sistema di trasferimento d’immagine e seguente lavoro a encausto con cera d’api.
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entry description
I believe that the revolution needed today is that for a new humanism that saves us from self-destruction. I fear that this revolution will only take place after my death and not before terrible catastrophes. To this revolution for a new humanism I feel I must contribute some reflections on the desire for self-destruction through war, weapons of mass destruction and physical and psychological violence. From this was born Bellum.Bellum in Latin means War and is the title of this work of mine composed of ten plates.
The woman in the photographs is an allegory of humanity with all its violence and desire for self-destruction. The twelve photographs contained in each work are sometimes a tale of wickedness and cruelty, sometimes of despair, other times the attempt to recompose and reborn mankind. Unfortunately, war is not only in the world; it is also in each of us who are prey to modern myths, and to the anxieties and frustrations produced by them.
The works are titled with distant and mythological names, tales of ancient civilizations. Stories that make us reflect even today because nothing or too little seems to have changed in the deep nature of man.
I am aware that this work is pervaded by a deep and pressing sense of pessimism, a vision of a possible end to humanity in the near future. However, there are a few plates that give glimpses of signs that can feed the feeble hope of a new humanism, which I believe may be the only lifeline for a humanity unprepared for the possession of weapons of mass destruction and killer robots available to it today.
Technique: Encaustic photography on the wood. Both boards are of poplar wood size 90x90x3 cm.
about the photographer
Sono un fotografo professionista e autore italiano. Amo la sperimentazione, la ricerca e l'innovazione. Utilizzo le vecchie tecniche analogiche mescolandole con le attuali metodologie digitali per dare corpo alle mie fotografie.Cerco di fare opere cariche di significati, che possano invitare a sviluppare pensiero. Credo in una fotografia con una grande componente etica. Sono pervaso da un notevole pessimismo sulle prospettive future dell'umanità ma spero in un nuovo umanesimo capace di pacificare l'uomo con gli altri uomini, con sé stesso e con la natura.
Per la ripresa utilizzo attrezzature digitali e analogiche di volta in volta utili al raggiungimento del risultato finale che mi prefiggo. Lavoro con macchine a foro stenopeico e pratico la fotografia camera-less. Sono un esperto di Camera Obscura (camera ottica).
Per la stampa delle fotografie utilizzo svariati sistemi. Negli ultimi anni pratico la stampa fotografica su legno con un sistema di trasferimento d’immagine e seguente lavoro a encausto con cera d’api.
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