1st place
gold star award
Caspar Martig
“Life is Beautiful”
And suddenly everything seems suspended in time. A dark and viscous cloud envelops the happiness we had found. Cancer is silent and insidious. It sneaks up on you unawares.
They cut out the tumour – leaving you disfigured. Then came the fear of losing someone most dear or that our child would have to grow up without its mother. I did not know if I was strong enough for you, for us, for the children. Seeing you suffer so made me angry and at the same time humbled me; everything else was of minor importance.
We faced the challenge and wandered through this period of pain, grief and fear – not knowing where our path would end, but our fortitude was great.
Finally came the time when your hair began to grow again. Slowly things began to return to normal; daily routine became more commonplace. The scars remained, scars on your body and in our souls. What also remained is the knowledge of having survived something dire – for the time being.
“Life is Beautiful”
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entry description
“Life is Beautiful”And suddenly everything seems suspended in time. A dark and viscous cloud envelops the happiness we had found. Cancer is silent and insidious. It sneaks up on you unawares.
They cut out the tumour – leaving you disfigured. Then came the fear of losing someone most dear or that our child would have to grow up without its mother. I did not know if I was strong enough for you, for us, for the children. Seeing you suffer so made me angry and at the same time humbled me; everything else was of minor importance.
We faced the challenge and wandered through this period of pain, grief and fear – not knowing where our path would end, but our fortitude was great.
Finally came the time when your hair began to grow again. Slowly things began to return to normal; daily routine became more commonplace. The scars remained, scars on your body and in our souls. What also remained is the knowledge of having survived something dire – for the time being.
“Life is Beautiful”
about the photographer
Caspar Martig, 1970 geboren und Vater von vier Kindern, ist freier Fotograf und lebt mit seiner Familie in Bern. Nach einer abgeschlossenen Lehre als Koch begann er das autodidaktische Studium zum Fotografen. Seit 1991 ist er als Werbe-, Architektur-, Portrait- und Reportage-Fotograf tätig. Er bebilderte Album-Covers und Booklets von Musikern wie Züri West , Polo Hofer, und Gotthard; fotografierte Reportagen und Portraits für Magazine wie Annabelle, Das Magazin, Die Zeit, Du, NZZ Folio und Schweizer Familie; produzierte Kampagnen für Appenzeller Käse, Migros, die Schweizerischen Bundesbahnen (SBB) und Swisscom. Bis heute begleitet er Rot-Kreuz-Missionen und ist als Dozent im Bereich Fotografie an verschiedenen pädagogischen Institutionen wie zum Beispiel dem «MAZ» in Luzern tätig. 2011 realisierte Caspar Martig das Projekt «1191 Gramm Bern» – ein Bildband über die Bundeshauptstadt. Neben der Fotografie beschäftigt er sich auch vermehrt mit bewegtem Bild. Neben Werbespots für Appenzeller Käse, Swisscom, Visana und das Schweizerische Rote Kreuz drehte er auch die zwei letzten Musikvideos der Mundartband Züri West.back to gallery