honorable mention
Ale Fragoso canadaPhoto © Ale Fragoso
"I must be a mermaid. I have no fear of depths and a great fear of shallow living." -Anais Nin
When she moved to Canada, Ale started a new mission: to find what made her truly happy. That is how she found a passion in photography. The decision to take this seriously was made in 2018, when she bought her first camera and started taking online courses.
Although her career is still in a very early stage, it has been quite exciting. She was one of the photographers for Pride Society and their events for the 2018 season in Vancouver. She also won a contest to get a mentorship session with her favourite artist, Brooke Shaden, and during this session she was invited to attend to the artists retreat Promoting Passion 2018.
2019 has been equally exciting so far, as she decided to finish more pieces in order to apply for different exhibitions and contests. She took her first chance at two exhibition contests and was selected for both.
Ale is developing her own style of fine art photography. She says that we are all responsible to find our true passion and pursue happiness, and we can find those inner truths through vulnerability and human connection.
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entry description
I've always felt connected to this quote by Anais Nin, and that is how this image was born."I must be a mermaid. I have no fear of depths and a great fear of shallow living." -Anais Nin
about the photographer
For many years, Ale was unable to live a "normal" life due to health issues. She spent a lot of time in bed or by herself, dealing with pain, and this made her focus in the spiritual and subjective aspects of life. She always wished to do beautiful things and connect with others, and this desire led her to study psychology and Fine Art, in addition to her love to play the cello. Years later, after overcoming the worst part of the pain she became a businesswoman. She was successful and able to help other people, but she felt like she "lost herself" - as she was not paying attention to her spiritual side.When she moved to Canada, Ale started a new mission: to find what made her truly happy. That is how she found a passion in photography. The decision to take this seriously was made in 2018, when she bought her first camera and started taking online courses.
Although her career is still in a very early stage, it has been quite exciting. She was one of the photographers for Pride Society and their events for the 2018 season in Vancouver. She also won a contest to get a mentorship session with her favourite artist, Brooke Shaden, and during this session she was invited to attend to the artists retreat Promoting Passion 2018.
2019 has been equally exciting so far, as she decided to finish more pieces in order to apply for different exhibitions and contests. She took her first chance at two exhibition contests and was selected for both.
Ale is developing her own style of fine art photography. She says that we are all responsible to find our true passion and pursue happiness, and we can find those inner truths through vulnerability and human connection.
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