nd photographer of the year 2019
Piotr Zwarycz poland
Garbage in the clouds
cave climber, scuba diver, skydiver, motorboat, photographer, documentary
filmmaker. Winner and finalist of competitions, among others Grand Press
Photo, Silesian Press Photography, Amundsen Photo Award, National
Geographic Grand Photo Contest, Chromatic Awards, ND Photographer of The
Year 2019. Author of many photo albums and documentary projects in Poland
and abroad, including the mission of Polish firefighters in Sweden.
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entry description
The photographs are the result of documenting the dangerous work of polish firefighters during firefighting operations at the sorting area and garbage dumps, as well vehicle recycling points.about the photographer
Piotr Zwarycz - officer of the State Fire Service with 18 years of experience, altitude rescuer,cave climber, scuba diver, skydiver, motorboat, photographer, documentary
filmmaker. Winner and finalist of competitions, among others Grand Press
Photo, Silesian Press Photography, Amundsen Photo Award, National
Geographic Grand Photo Contest, Chromatic Awards, ND Photographer of The
Year 2019. Author of many photo albums and documentary projects in Poland
and abroad, including the mission of Polish firefighters in Sweden.
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