honorable mention
Ximena Bares spain
The Beggining of Everything
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It is difficult, if not impossible, to answer mankind’s great existential dilemmas. The questions are as infinite as infinite the universe we are born in seems to be. Faced with such a display of unanswered questions, there are a series of mysteries that resonate in my mind time and again, and which have provided me with the inspiration to conceive this series. How do human beings relate to their own solitude? Does individual identity become fragmented by virtue of interacting with everything around it — including the physical space it inhabits — if only momentarily? After that fragmentation, what is it like to go back to normal? Are we aware or, rather, are we capable of being aware of everything we have intervened upon? Specially that which has intervened upon us, even if we are unable to remember? These are indeed no trivial matters. It is quite possible that all these ontological questions may never be explained because, as some philosopher once said: "there are no answers — only questions.” And those questions are still there.about the photographer
Photography is a practice that allows me to play. I use reality as a starting point to create situations that escape that same reality by evoking dream-like, sometimes unsettling images. I am drawn to the world of dreams, to human psychology, to exploring the different identities human beings take on to protect themselves from a menacing outside world and how individuals relate to their own solitude. The rural environment where I live, which is at the same time raw and overwhelmingly beautiful, is the perfect scenario for me to become the protagonist of that playing in which everything is possible.back to gallery