1st place
gold star award
Kat Zhou
united states
Creatures of the Deep
All photos in this series were taken during blackwater night dives off the coast of West Palm Beach, Florida, over about 700 feet of water. My depth while diving ranged from about 10 feet to 124 feet for these shots.
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entry description
In terms of biomass, the earth's largest migration occurs every single night, where hoards of tiny creatures emerge from the depths of the ocean to the surface, following their food sources. By setting out lights at night over deep water to attract these creatures, divers are able to photograph them up close. Most critters seen on these "Blackwater Dives" are less than an inch in length. All sorts of creatures can be seen, such as zooplankton, larval fishes and crustaceans, squid, mollusks, marine worms, and more. Many marine animals are most beautiful in their larval forms, forming beautiful subjects for photography.All photos in this series were taken during blackwater night dives off the coast of West Palm Beach, Florida, over about 700 feet of water. My depth while diving ranged from about 10 feet to 124 feet for these shots.
about the photographer
Hobbyist underwater, landscape, and wildlife photographerback to gallery