honorable mention
Dimitri Fischer germany
Shadows Hiding
The Series is usually exibited on black background.
Currently he is caretaker of his 98 Jears old Grandmother.
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entry description
Shadows Hiding is the attempt to transport the feeling of nightly walks in the nearby Forest. During daytime the forrest seemed more like a huge park . Many hiking trails and small paths traverse it like the roots of ivy traversing the bark of trees. Houses, roads, and other people never seem far away. Due to its proximity to Mainz, a highway runs in the immediate vicinity of the forest, mixing with the sounds of Birds, Wind and Leaves, even merging with them after a while of listening. Nevertheless, the Lennebergwald is a forest, I said to myself, and went out searching for the forest within the forest. After living there for a while I went out one night with friends. I decided to hike the three kilometres distance to the next train station. Therfore i had to chross the Forrest. On the way back I realised that I again had to cross the forest, but this time at night. I was by no means prepared for this circumstance. Suddenly what lay before me was the wild, raw, and unpredictable place I was looking for. Wrapped in darkness and invisible to my eyes during daytime.The Series is usually exibited on black background.
about the photographer
Dimitri Fischer was born in 1982 in Krasnojarsk, Soviet Union. In 1990 his family fled to germany where he finished High scool Degree and a traningchip as cartpenter. For the most part of his life he was working on and off as a carpenter and various othert ocupations while also persuing his passion of analog photography. His journey as a Photographer started around 2003 when his Father bought a camera that Dimitri started to use frequently. He had a on and off relationchip with analog photography due to personal circumstances. In 2014 however Tings took a turn and he rediscovered his passion.From 2017-2021 he lived in Rennes, France wher he still partially resides. Due to familial circumstances he had to return to Germany where he spends most of his time. He photographs exclusivly on various film formats reaching from halfframe up to ULF. Dima works in series and has always some long term projects going on.Currently he is caretaker of his 98 Jears old Grandmother.
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