1st place
gold star award
Joseph Romeo
united states
American Deindustrialization
All along the American Rust Belt are rapidly disappearing relics of America’s industrial past. Buildings lost to time and the elements. The Rust Belt refers to an economic region of the United States concentrated in the formerly dominant industrial states in the Northeastern and Midwestern United States. The phrase popularized in the 1980’s, became synonymous with industrial decline in the once powerful U.S. heavy manufacturing and steel industries.
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"American Deindustrialization" is a series of images of some of the iconic structures of American Industry.All along the American Rust Belt are rapidly disappearing relics of America’s industrial past. Buildings lost to time and the elements. The Rust Belt refers to an economic region of the United States concentrated in the formerly dominant industrial states in the Northeastern and Midwestern United States. The phrase popularized in the 1980’s, became synonymous with industrial decline in the once powerful U.S. heavy manufacturing and steel industries.
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