1st place
gold star award
Martin Krystynek
president of Association of Professional Photographers of Slovak Republic
board member of FEP (Federation of European Professional Photographers)
committee member of WPC (World Photographic Cup)
Award winning photographer born in Poprad, Slovakia. Martin Krystynek is a Master Qualified European Photographer (MQEP), president of national photographic association APFSR.
After years working in photography his name became his brand and he obtained professional success and experience. In the last 4 years he obtained more than 300 international awards, gold, silver and bronze medals and tons of honorable mentions.
His photos were published in many international photographic books around the world.
Nowadays he is also working as a curator on the most prestigious international curated photography site 1x.com.
Martin is also working as a judge at international photography competitions and for FEP – Federation of European Photographers as a judge in FEP Photographer of The Year Awards 2018.
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about the photographer
Master Qualified European Photographer (MQEP)president of Association of Professional Photographers of Slovak Republic
board member of FEP (Federation of European Professional Photographers)
committee member of WPC (World Photographic Cup)
Award winning photographer born in Poprad, Slovakia. Martin Krystynek is a Master Qualified European Photographer (MQEP), president of national photographic association APFSR.
After years working in photography his name became his brand and he obtained professional success and experience. In the last 4 years he obtained more than 300 international awards, gold, silver and bronze medals and tons of honorable mentions.
His photos were published in many international photographic books around the world.
Nowadays he is also working as a curator on the most prestigious international curated photography site 1x.com.
Martin is also working as a judge at international photography competitions and for FEP – Federation of European Photographers as a judge in FEP Photographer of The Year Awards 2018.
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